Police repression - videoclip@g8-tv.org http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1718&Vlang=eng Laywer Katja Herrlicher of the Republican Laywers Association tells how police prevented her from doing her job and how one of her clients was attacked and beaten up by police. kanalB.org - http://kanalb.org/faq.php#jus Police repression - videoclip@g8-tv.org http://g8-tv.org/media/spezial-G-8_Treffen_in_Heiligendamm/uebergriff_1.jpg http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1718&Vlang=eng 140 112 interview: Police repression Tue, 05 Jun 2007 10:15:01 +0200 http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1718&Vlang=eng Laywer Katja Herrlicher of the Republican Laywers Association tells how police prevented her from doing her job and how one of her clients was attacked and beaten up by police. http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1718&Vlang=eng video: http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1718&Vlang=eng#comment g8-tv.org topic: G8 Clips from Tuesday 5th June 2007 Tue, 05 Jun 2007 23:59:31 +0200 http://g8-tv.org/topic.php?clipId=224&Vlang=eng all clips of the day http://g8-tv.org/topic.php?clipId=224&Vlang=eng topic http://g8-tv.org/topic.php?clipId=224&Vlang=eng#comment g8-tv.org topic: G8 Summit in Heiligendamm 07 Fri, 30 Mar 2007 18:58:35 +0200 http://g8-tv.org/topic.php?clipId=155&Vlang=eng In early summer of 2007 the "Leaders of the World" met in Kempinsky Grand Hotel on the German Baltic Sea. The image of the governmental leaders of the 8 strongest economies symbolises as almost nothing else the power of globalised capitalism and its political and military violence. Only this full power legitimizes G8. http://g8-tv.org/topic.php?clipId=155&Vlang=eng topic http://g8-tv.org/topic.php?clipId=155&Vlang=eng#comment g8-tv.org