G8-TV LIVE 3. June 2007 - videoclip@g8-tv.org http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1704&Vlang=eng Actionday Agriculture: Clowns-Army at McDonalds - Agricultural Rallye - Land Displacement Resistance - Interview with Spitou (SOC - Union of Farmworkers in the South of Spain) - Bicycle Caravan - Migrations Day Preview - Number of the Day: 97% of all patents have been registered by companies in the G8 countries kanalB.org - http://kanalb.org/faq.php#jus G8-TV LIVE 3. June 2007 - videoclip@g8-tv.org http://g8-tv.org/media/spezial-G-8_Treffen_in_Heiligendamm/g8-TV-live_2.gif http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1704&Vlang=eng 140 112 G8-TV live: G8-TV LIVE 3. June 2007 Sun, 03 Jun 2007 23:59:59 +0200 http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1704&Vlang=eng Actionday Agriculture: Clowns-Army at McDonalds - Agricultural Rallye - Land Displacement Resistance - Interview with Spitou (SOC - Union of Farmworkers in the South of Spain) - Bicycle Caravan - Migrations Day Preview - Number of the Day: 97% of all patents have been registered by companies in the G8 countries http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1704&Vlang=eng video: http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1704&Vlang=eng#comment g8-tv.org topic: G8 Clips from Sunday 3rd June 2007 Sun, 03 Jun 2007 14:40:31 +0200 http://g8-tv.org/topic.php?clipId=221&Vlang=eng all clips of the day http://g8-tv.org/topic.php?clipId=221&Vlang=eng topic http://g8-tv.org/topic.php?clipId=221&Vlang=eng#comment g8-tv.org